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Made You Up

Francesca Zappia

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Maalesef sonunda bitirdiğim ve okuduğum için bin pişman olduğum bir kitap. Sevdiğim tek şey kitabın kapağı kitabın isminin hikaye ile çok güzel oturduğu. Bundan 1 gün önce bitirip yorum girseydim "aynı zamanda baş karakterin hastalığını da çok ilgi çekici buldum," gibi bir cümle de kullanabilirdim. Fakat onunla ilgili bir yazı okudum ve
Made You Up
Made You UpFrancesca Zappia · Greenwillow Books · 2017409 okunma
“I feel like there’s something else, but I can’t quite remember. . . .” His fingers tapped against the podium. He shrugged and began to walk back to his seat . . . then he clapped his hands together with an “Oh, right!” and whipped back around, yanking the microphone to his face in time to say, “Fickt euch!”
James Baldwin said, ‘The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.’
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“People say teenagers think they’re immortal, and I agree with that. But I think there’s a difference between thinking you’re immortal and knowing you can survive. Thinking you’re immortal leads to arrogance, thinking you deserve the best. Surviving means having the worst thrown at you and being able to continue on despite that. It means striving for what you want most, even when it seems out of your reach, even when everything is working against you. And then, after you’ve survived, you get over it. And you live.” Tucker took another deep breath and leaned against the podium, looking around at everyone. He smiled. “We’re survivors. So now let’s live.”
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What you loved as a child, you will love forever.
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“Miles?” “Yeah?” “Don’t go away.” “I won’t.”
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“No, you’re not a bad person,” he said. “And Richter isn’t a bad person, and I’m not a bad person. We’re just people, and people sometimes do stupid things.”
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I tugged on my hair, wishing it wasn’t so damned red, wishing my mind worked the way it should, wishing things would go back to the way they were when I was seven, when everything was real and I didn’t know any better.
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“Pick someone,” I said. “What?” I smiled. “Pick someone.” He hesitated, then smiled back. “Okay. Go.” “Are you dead?” “No.” “Are you a man?” “No.” “Do you live in a foreign country?” “No.” Female, alive, from the US. Maybe he hadn’t gone for obscure. “Do you have anything to do with East Shoal?” I asked. “Yes.” Shot in the dark. “Are you in the club?” He paused. “Yes.” “You’re Jetta.” He shook his head. I frowned. “Theo?” “No.” “Well if you’re not either of them, you’d have to be me.” He blinked. “It’s me?” I said. “I couldn’t think of anyone else,” he said.
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With him here, I knew everything really was okay.
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He stared at the highway, then said with disgust, “I hate dogs. Cats are so much better.”
Sayfa 173 - Love u MilesKitabı okudu
But when Christmas finally comes, and that warm, tingly, mints-and-sweaters-and-fireplace-fires feeling gathers in the bottom of your stomach, and you’re lying on the floor with all the lights off but the ones on the Christmas tree, and listening to the silence of the snow falling outside, you see the point. For that one instance in time, everything is good in the world. It doesn’t matter if everything isn’t actually good. It’s the one time of the year when pretending is enough.
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“Have you heard the term alexithymia before?” he asked. I shook my head. “It means ‘without words for emotions.’ Except it’s more than that. It’s almost a mental disorder, but there’s a sort of scale. The higher your alexithymia score, the more trouble you have interpreting emotions and things like that. My score isn’t as high as some, but it’s not the lowest.”
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...and I still haven’t figured out why you kissed me.” Okay. I could’ve died then. Just crawled on the floor and died.
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