Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
496 syf.
Puan vermedi
20 günde okudu
Japon mitolojisine giriş kitabı. Sade, anlaşılır ve yeterince detaylı bir rehber. Sadece Shinto'yu değil aynı zamanda Budizm ve Japon azınlıkların inançlarını da içeriyor. Konu başlıklarını sıralarsam: Japonya tarihi Budizm, Japon Budizmi, mezhepleri, önemli figürleri ve mitleri Shinto tarihi, önemli figürleri ve mitleri Ryukyu ve Ainu azınlıklarının mitleri Tanrılar ve yaratıklar sözlüğü
Japon Mitolojisi
Japon MitolojisiMichael Ashkenazi · Say Yayınları · 052 okunma
504 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
9 günde okudu
Olympos evimiz Zeus babamız! Heeeeyt var mı Lan bize yan bakan!
The fact that the murderer is described as a surprise name, as Peter is usually always described as the good boss in the novel, will be a surprise for the readers, but in fact, it was revealed with the call message Alex had received from Cemal before he was killed. This is what Cemal learned about the murderer from the smell of his grandfather's tobacco perfume in the car while Peter was driving him home, and then he was killed. The reason why peter committed the murders was beautifully fictionalized. During the event, the readers were delighted to see the chief inspector Nevzat and Ali in the Pergamon section. I liked the parts of mythological stories. You can find stories about Gaia, Zeus, Kronos, Uranus, Apollon, Athena, Hera, Poseidon, Dyonisis, Hades, Hestia, Rhea, Demeter, Chiron etc. I recommend this book especially for mythology lovers.
Kayıp Tanrılar Ülkesi
Kayıp Tanrılar ÜlkesiAhmet Ümit · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 202320,5bin okunma
256 syf.
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Mythology 101
Bitmesini hiç istemedim. O kadar keyifliydi ki. Antik Yunan Mitolojisi zaten bu coğrafya, zaten bildiğimiz şeyler ve bir de böyle keyifli olunca tadından yenmiyor :) Antik Yunan Mitolojisi'ni öğrenmek istiyorsunuz (en azından en önemli Tanrıları, Kahramanları, Canavarları ve diğer mitolojik yaratıkları ) ama nereden başlayacağınızı bilemiyor musunuz? Hem bilgilendirsin hem de eğlenceli olsun mu diyorsunuz? Bu kitap tam size göre :) Kitapta Eski Yunan ve Roma Mitolojisi ile ilgili bilmeniz gereken önemli her şey var. Tabii ki yüzeysel ama başlangıç kitabı olarak düşünülürse yeterli bence. Daha çok Yunan mitolojisinden bahsediyor ki zaten Roma Mitolojisinin kökenini de Yunan Mitolojisi oluşturuyor. Ben kitabı çok sevdim. Kitap bana; 'Platon Bir Gün Kolunda Bir Ornitorenkle Bara Girer...' kitabını çağrıştırdı. İkisini de çok sevdim ve ikisinin de tüm serisini alacağım!
Mitoloji 101
Mitoloji 101Kathleen Sears · Say Yayınları · 20212,675 okunma
363 syf.
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Saçma bir şekilde bayıldım. Sanırım mitolojik kitapları daha çok okuyacağım bu kitap vesilesi ile. Modern mitoloji gibi bir kitap. Tavsiye ederim. I faintly fainted. I think I will read more mythological books because of this book. A book like modern mythology. I advise.
Şimşek Hırsızı
Şimşek HırsızıRick Riordan · Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık · 20157,9bin okunma
320 syf.
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12 günde okudu
Öncelikle Karşılaştırmalı Mitoloji nedir? "Dünyadaki mitolojik motif, karakter, anlatı ve kurguları birbirleriyle karşılaştırarak inceleyen disiplindir. Temel olarak difüzyoncu ve evrimci olarak iki anlayışa ayrılır. Difüzyoncu anlayış, mitler ve anlatıların bir kaynaktan diğerine geçerek yayıldığını söyler ve benzerliklerin bundan ileri geldiğini iddia ederken, evrimci anlayış insanoğlunun kolektif bilincinin, bilinçaltının yahut birtakım bilişsel özelliklerinin etkisiyle, benzer anlatıların birbirinden bağımsız olarak farklı yerlerde ortaya çıkabileceğini söyler." Bu kitap difüzyoncu anlayış ile mitleri yorumluyor. En baştaki Mezopotamya Teogoni(Tanrı orijini) mitiyle ilgili bölüm haricinde tamamı Hint-Avrupa kültürüne odaklı. Konu başlıklarını sıralayacak olursam: Mitoloji nedir, Mit üzerine araştırmaların tarihi, Proto-Hint-Avrupa kültürü ve yayılışı, Hindu Vedic metinleri, Hindu destanları(Ramayana, Mahabharata), İran mitolojisi(Avesta, Şahname), Yunan mitolojisi, Roma mitolojisi, Kelt mitolojisi, İrlanda ve Galler destanları, Cermen mitolojisi ve son olarak da Baltık-Slav mitolojisi. Yazar her bir mitolojinin kısaca özetini yapıyor, sonra da özellikle karşılaştırma için önemli olan kısımların üzerinde duruyor. Ortak noktaları tespit ediyor, bu ortak noktalardan Proto-Hint-Avrupa halkının hikayelerine, inançlarına ve ayinlerine ulaşmaya çalışıyor. Farklılıkların olduğu yerde ise bunun sebebinin ne olabileceği hakkında fikir yürütüyor.
Comparative Mythology
Comparative MythologyJaan Puhvel · Johns Hopkins University Press · 19891 okunma
340 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
16 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%77/100) Some parts were just WOW but there were also some parts, especially in the beginning, that I got really confused and that is due to Zelazny's writing style. You are simply thrown into the story and since Zelazny likes to combine sci-fi and mythology, it becomes even more complicated. The narration goes back and forth between the past, 12th century, and the future, or the present we could call it. However, this is also what made me like Zelazny in the first place. On top of that, Norse Mythology is my all-time favorite and Loki is the one I like the most. Yet, the slow start and complicated narration might not be for everyone. The ending and the last few chapters were phenomenal and if you like Zelazny, you should definitely give this one a chance. If you are new to him, I would probably suggest This Immortal or Lord of Light.
The Mask of Loki
The Mask of LokiRoger Zelazny · Baen Books · 19902 okunma
626 syf.
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This superb novel by Bronte, literally enchanted me for a while even though I've finished. The way somebody's emotions transferred me directly is the writer's magic. Also, I really enjoyed the references to Shakespeare, Greek mythology and other English novels. Besides, I liked the kind-of-gothic atmosphere of the book. The gloomy imagery fits the fiction. My favourite quotes from the book: “Do you think I am an automaton?–a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!–I have as much soul as you,–and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;–it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal,–as we are!” “Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear. Your mind is my treasure, and if it were broken, it would be my treasure still.” –Mr. Rochester “I can live alone if self-respect and circumstances require me so to do. I need not sell my soul to buy bliss. I have an inward treasure born with me, which can keep me alive if all extraneous delights should be withheld, or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give.”
Jane Eyre
Jane EyreCharlotte Brontë · Can Yayınları · 202031,2bin okunma
476 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
8 günde okudu
5/5 Stars (%95/100) Overall, I quite enjoyed the entirety of the book. This is part of Fry's Greek Mythology series even though the books are not completely related. Mythos was an interesting read for sure. However, since I enjoy the deeds of mortal more, I liked this book a bit more as well. Starting from the Gods, Fry moves on to the lives and journeys of famous heroes such as Perseus, Heracles, Bellerophon, Orpheus, Jason, Atalanta, Oedipus, and Theseus. There are also other information about certain monsters (Chimera, Nemean Lion, Hydra etc.). There is a long list of important characters as well as beautiful illustrations. So, if you're interested in Greek Mythology and you've read Mythos, you would enjoy this book. The one thing I really like about Fry is his way of storytelling. In that way, he reminds me of Neil Gaiman. Both are great storytellers in their own sense. Instead of saying "he went there, he killed that, he died," Fry retells the stories in his own way and writes interesting and often funny dialogues. This is also the reason why I really enjoyed reading the things I already know. It was also good to remember certain information about lesser known heroes such as Bellerophon and Atalanta. In short, this is a well-written book and it was fun to read. The third book in this series is already out (Troy) and I heard that the fourth one is coming soon as well (The Odyssey).
HeroesStephen Fry · Penguin · 20193 okunma
174 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
4/5 Stars (%82/100) This volume is definitely better than the previous one. The fight between Lu Bu and Thor comes to an end at the beginning of this book. The second fight is between Adam, yes that Adam from Christianity, and Zeus. First of all, the first fight was really good even though I did not know a lot of things about Lu Bu. However, since Norse mythology is my favourite, I loved the changes made to Thor and the myths about him. The second fight starts out great and I love Adam's character and design. Zeus pisses me off but he is actually very close to his self in Greek Mythology. Since I watched the anime, I know what happens next but I'm still curious because the manga is much more detailed.
Record of Ragnarök #2
Record of Ragnarök #2Takumi Fukui · ノース・スターズ・ピクチャーズ · 201816 okunma
346 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Breaking Human Nature : Frankissstein and Sexbots
Jeanette Winterson is a flourishing writer who has numerous prizes for instance John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, Whitbread Prize, a BAFTA Award, E. M. Forster Award, the St. Louis Literary Award, also Lambda Literary Award. Frankissstein by Jeanette Winterson is written in 2019 and it is a postmodernist novel that giving a sense of re-writing
FrankisssteinJeanette Winterson · Jonathan Cape Books · 201963 okunma
352 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Frankenstein and Marxist Theory
  Frankenstein is written in the Regency Period when is between 1811 to 1820. The work was published in 1818 by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. The period is monarch of the Prince Regent who is King George III's son. The time plays an essential role in analyzing the work. Because Mary Shelley is inspired by the characteristic of the Romanticism
FrankensteinMary Shelley · Penguin Books · 201413,9bin okunma
403 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
5/5 Stars (%90/100) This is one of the books I consider life-changing because well, it kind of did. I've always been interested in mythology and recently got more involved in archetypes, something I knew for a long time but not as archetypes. I heard Campbell's name and his book many times and I even read a couple of them. I briefly read this book before and this is why I never marked it as read. Well, now this book is one of the main sources of my thesis (which meant I had to read all of it). I absolutely loved it even though I HAD TO read it. Despite being criticized a lot, it is no surprise that Campbell and his monomyth theory managed to inspire many scholars, writers, directors and so forth. You can read this book if you are interested in mythology and want to learn more but you can also read it and use it as a reliable source like me.
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
The Hero with a Thousand FacesJoseph Campbell · 2004773 okunma
256 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
23 saatte okudu
3/5 Stars (%60/100) I had a hard time rating this book. The cover is beautiful, the whole design of the book is brilliant and there are dozens of pretty illustrations together with maps, timelines, and so forth. Visually, the book is stunning and can be a great piece for Tolkien lovers. However, I have to admit that the things discussed in the book are not very great. Starting from Melkor and going all the way to the Third Age, Day compares the evil figures in Tolkien's works with figures from Greek and Norse mythology as well as Judeo-Christian images. The biggest problem I had with these is, as many others already pointed out, that there is not enough evidence or it feels a bit of stretch. For example, comparing Ungoliant with Kali the Hindu Goddess because they have eight legs/arms. Also, the comparison between Sauron and Solomon regarding the ring. There are many examples like this and it becomes repetitive after a while. However, it was still interesting to see certain connections and parallels despite the lack of evidence. I think the book would have been better if it only focused on the evil figures in Tolkien's works, like a summary or description of all the bad guys because the illustrations are beautiful and they are great to learn more about these somewhat complicated characters (honestly, that's what I thought the book was about before I've read it). Finally, even though there are some problems, I think rating the book extremely low is a bit harsh as I enjoyed reading it and looking at the pictures.
The Dark Powers of Tolkien
The Dark Powers of TolkienDavid Day · 20182 okunma
770 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
5 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%80/100) I quite enjoyed this book even though I had to read it for my thesis. Whenever I read something about archetypes and mythology, I heard Frazer's name. I finally got the chance to meet him and I am glad. This is an abridged version of the book and it is still almost 800 pages long. However, Frazer's language and way of storytelling are great. I don't remember getting bored while reading it. I also found it very useful for my thesis. I can also see that why and how many other scholars were inspired by Frazer, especially Bodkin since I've read her book recently. Finally, I like this abridged version. I checked many others but this one was better in my opinion. Overall, it is a great source to use but you can use it just for fun as well.
The Golden Bough
The Golden BoughJames G. Frazer · 2016105 okunma
208 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%76/100) Not as good as the 6th and 5th volume but it was still enjoyable. This volume is the start of the 6th arc which is related to a blacksmith named Vulcan. As a mythology geek, I can't help but mention that Vulcan is the Roman counterpart of Hephaestus, the famous Greek God who made all the weapons of the Olympians. It is not surprising that this Vulcan is also extremely skilled. Vulcan's ancestors are the ones who built the Amaterasu, the huge engine-like thing that powers everything. The 8th wants to recruit Vulcan but they meet resistance. Overall, it was a good volume and we learned more about the world thanks to Vulcan's appearance. There is also the case of "the key" which is a mystery right now.
Fire Force, Vol. 7
Fire Force, Vol. 7Atsushi Ōkubo · Kodansha Comics · 20174 okunma
53 öğeden 16 ile 30 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.