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📌okur, editör ve çevirmenler için bir not: çeviride metni ve kültürü tanımak neden önemli? şurada son cümleyi bir arkadaş "huzur içinde yemek yemek, dua etmek, uyumak istiyordu" diye çevirmiş halbuki ortalama bir müslüman, günlük hayatında rutin yiyip uyurken, arada kalkıp dua etmez, orada "pray" dua değil, 'namaz' anlamında
I demand that the human race ceases multiplying its kind and bow out I advise it And as punishment & reward for making this plea I know I’ll be reborn the last human Everybody else dead and I’m an old woman roaming the earth groaning in caves sleeping on mats And sometimes I’ll cackle, sometimes pray, sometimes cry, eat & cook at my little stove in the corner “Always knew it anyway,” I’ll say And one morning won’t get up from my mat
Who was born within the storm ... SHOW ursefl.
You can't hide the thunderbolt. When it hits you, everybody can see it. Christ, man, don't be ashamed of it, some men pray for the thunderbolt. ¢---⋆Σ Yıldırımı gizleyemezsin. Sana çarptığında herkes görebilir. Tanrım, dostum, bundan utanma, bazı insanlar yıldırım için dua ediyor.
'Tis a sad thing, I cannot choose but say, And all the fault of that indecent sun, Who cannot leave alone our helpless clay, But will keep baking, broiling, burning on, That howsoever people fast and pray, The flesh is frail, and so the soul undone.
I have no guilt, no regrets, and no wishes to pray for. Whether it be gods or spirits, what gives them the right to judge me? They can be powerful and almighty on their own, but why should I care?
"(...) That proves you have a wicked heart; and you must pray to God to change it: to give you a new and a clean one: to take away your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Sayfa 33 - pdf
Where are you? Don't leave me here, where I can't find you! I pray that you will never rest while I'm alive. You said I killed you - haunt me then! Murder people do haunt their murderers, I believe. Come back as a ghost - drive me mad - I'don't care! Oh, God! I can't bear it! I cannot live without you, my soul!
Sayfa 49 - Oxford BookwormsKitabı okudu
Tanrı'ya, onu bana bağışlaması için dua edemiyorum; ama yine de o sanki bana aitmiş gibi geliyor. Tanrı'ya, onu bana vermesi için dua edemiyorum; çünkü o bir başkasına ait. I cannot pray to God to grant him to me, but still, he feels like he belongs to me. I cannot pray to God to give him to me because he belongs to someone else.
Now tell the poor young children, O my brothers, To look up to Him and pray; So the blessed One blesseth all the other, Will bless them another day.
One day I was talking to Cora. She prayed for me because she believed I was blind to sin, wanting me to kneel and pray too, because people to whom sin is just a matter of words, to them salvation is just words too.
Sayfa 468 - AddieKitabı okudu
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