Bilim uğruna elimi ineğin içine soktum MATTHIAS HESS, D AV I S ’ T E K I C A L I F O R N I A ÜNIVERSITESI’NDE YARDIMCI DOÇENT İneklerin bağırsakları büyülüyor beni. İneklerin midesini oluşturan dört bölümden en büyüğü olan işkembedeki mikroplar, bitkileri ina￾nılmaz derecede iyi parçalıyor. Bu süreci incelemek daha iyi inek yemi
Ey V o l t a i r e ! Ey beşeriyet! Ey saçma sapanlık! "Hakikatle", hakikatİn a r a ş t ı r ı l m a s ı y l a ilgili bir şey var; insan çok fazla insani olarak giderse üstüne - i l n e c h e r c h e l e v r a i q u e p o u r f a i r e l e b i e n *** - bahse girerim, hiçbir şey bulamayacak
Regas, Koraes, vb.
Yunan İhtilali öncesinde eylemleriyle isim yapmış Yunanlılar (bu kimseler kendilerine “Romios-Rum”, kimileri “Helen”, kimileri “Grekos-Grek” demişlerdi) Türk tarihçiliğinde hemen hemen bütünüyle bilinmemektedirler. Konu ile ilgili kitaplarda, örneğin Koraes ve Regas’tan, genellikle ya hiç söz edilmemekte, yada söz edildiğinde, -özellikle Regas-
II, APAW, 12,1935. Oğuz Kağan Destam'nın bir nüshası Uygur alfabesiyle yazılmıştır. Büyük olasılıkla 13. yüzyıldan sonra yazılmış olan, ancak bazı söylenlerin oldukça eski biçimlerini yansıtan bu el yazması, Paris Millî Kütüphanesi'nde muhafaza edilmektedir. Radloff (metin Kutadgu Bilig'e göre çevrilmiştir), Das Kudatku Bilig des Jusuf Chass
“Conduct may be founded on the hard rock or the wet marshes but after a certain point I don't care what it's founded on. When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever; I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart. Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my reaction--Gatsby who represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away.”
We've talked about asset lending and cash flow lending as two types of collateralized financing. If for some reason you can't get these or any type of financing - and as a newly emerging entrepreneur you might not - try for what is called "receivable financing." This is borrowing money against the receivables your customers owe. Some banks will do receivable financing. With receivable financing, you will normally maintain the credit relationship by collecting the receivables yourself. Receivable financing is sometimes referred to as "factoring," and is usually available from other third party lenders such as finance companies which lend you the money you need - or part of it - at interest rates just under what's allowed by usury laws. Most banks will not enter into a factoring relationship. The advantages of factoring are that the finance company becomes responsible for collecting the receivables they buy and for the bookkeeping involved. Also, banks take into consideration that another party has contracted with you to handle collections, so they may become more comfortable in partially financing your entire required amount. Remember - the main difference between receivable financing and factoring is that, with factoring, you will normally give up control of the paper. There are about six "paper" classifications of clients who might apply for receivable financing "A" through "F". While an IBM might be an "A Paper" borrower, you'll no doubt be an "F Paper" borrower. It's an expensive proposition, but, as I've said, sometimes "you gotta do what you gotta do.
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