Ne Okusam?
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“Your cat is welcome among us,” Lowe says. If that’s not a jab, nothing else is. “Wonder how that feels,” I say breezily, and slip out of the room without glancing at him again.
Sayfa 85 - Lowe & MiseryKitabı okudu
“How long was I out?” she asked. “Long enough to make me worry that this wasn't just an elaborate ploy to get into my bed.” Scarlett managed to smile. “What if I said it was a ploy?” “I'd tell you that you don't need one. You're welcome in my bed anytime.”
Scarlett and JulianKitabı okudu
When I lose and die, then you're welcome to come and laugh at me.
EDGAR: Yet better thus, and known to be contemned, Than still contemned and flattered. To be worst, The lowest and most dejected thing of Fortune, Stands still in esperance, lives not in fear. The lamentable change is from the best; The worst returns to laughter. Welcome, then, Thou unsubstantial air that I embrace. The wretch that thou hast blown unto the worst Owes nothing to thy blasts. But who comes here?
Now…” He leaned over me, those damned tempting full lips curled into a saucy smirk. “How long are you going to ignore that little problem of yours?” I frowned, self-consciously squeezing my legs together. “What problem?” His smirk widened. “You are dripping at the sight of me.” Blood flooded my cheeks, and heat flooded between my legs. I sputtered, looking away — but I couldn’t deny him. I couldn’t lie. “Fuck you,” I muttered. “You’re welcome to.”
Rae-Leon.Kitabı okudu
A little company is more welcome to me than evil company, but they must go and come at the right time.
On the Teachers of VirtueKitabı okuyor
Welcome to Muş
İnsanın ait olmadığı bir çevrede yaşamasından fe­ci bir şey olamaz.
He wasted little time. On the day after his father’s funeral, he summoned Rhaena to his great hall (he would not deign to go to her), and commanded her to remove herself from his island. “You are not wanted here,” he told her. “You are not welcome here. Take your dragon with you, and your friends, and my little brother, who would surely piss his breeches if he were made to stay. But do not presume to take my sister. She will remain here, and she will be wed to a man of my choosing.”
welcome to the fourth wing
Binicisi olmayan bir ejderha trajedidir. Ejderhasi olmayan bir biniciyse ölüdür.
Welcome to Türkiye.
Elbette çoğu kez gözlemlediğime göre, doğru yerlerde dostun varsa ya da karşılığını ödeyebiliyorsan istediğine erişirsin.
Sayfa 225Kitabı okudu
Welcome, O life! I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race.
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