Ne Okusam?
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"Shannon Lynch?" I called out, ignoring the rest of her fucked up family. "I love you back." Sniffling, she lifted her chin from Joey's chest and looked at me all red-eyed and blotchy. "S-still?" "Still." I nodded in confirmation. "Like a crazy fucking amount."
Beware the “Special Case”: Confirmation Bias
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett
knows: “What the human being is best at doing is interpreting all new information so that their prior conclusions remain intact.” ¢---⋆ “
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett
şunu biliyor: “İnsanoğlunun en iyi yaptığı şey, tüm yeni bilgileri önceki sonuçların bozulmadan kalacağı şekilde yorumlamaktır.”
"Hayal edilen her şeyin tamamlanması, doğrulanması diye görülerek Şark'a geri dönülür hep." "One always returned to the Orient seeing it as completion and confirmation of everything one had imagined."
Sayfa 167Kitabı okudu
Pregnancy is confirmation that the woman has been fucked: it is confirmation that she is a cunt. In the male sexual system, the pregnant woman is a particular sexual object: she shows her sexuality through her pregnancy. The display marks her as a whore. Her belly is her sex. Her belly is proof that she has been used. Her belly is his phallic triumph. One does not abort his victory.
"We have myriad biases, such as a tendency to find evidence for what we already believe (“confirmation bias”) or thinking that rare events are more common than they really are."
We all look for confirmation and affirmation of some sort. It’s built into our human nature. We are primarily emotionally governed beings.
Sayfa 176Kitabı okudu
It is a bad idea to promise things to children. Adults, having seen dozens of them shattered, understand that circumstances change and that a promise is, at best, confirmation of what you intend in the moment. A child remembers a promise through all seven hells and will hold you to it, strong as chains.
This example illustrates a different type of bias, which we call conclusion bias, or prejudgment. Like Lucas, we often start the pro- cess of judgment with an inclination to reach a particular conclusion. When we do that, we let our fast, intuitive System 1 thinking suggest a conclusion. Either we jump to that conclusion and simply bypass the process of gathering and integrating information, or we mobilize System 2 thinking- engaging in deliberate thought-to come up with arguments that support our prejudgment. In that case, the evi- dence will be selective and distorted because of confirmation bias and desirability bias, we will tend to collect and interpret evidence selectively to favor a judgment that, respectively, we already believe or wish to be true
Sayfa 169Kitabı okudu
Corroparation and Repetition
Also, the Qur'an is a founder. It is the basis of the Clear Religion, and the foundation of the world of Islam. It changed human social life, and is the answer to the repeated questions of its various classes. Repetition is necessary for a founder in order to establish things. Repetition is necessary to corroborate them. Confirmation and repetition are necessary to strengthen them. Letters - 244
confirmation bias
"En basit haliyle şöyle çalışıyor: Mevcut inançlarıma dair bilgileri önemse, diğerlerini unutmaya çalış."
Icelandic stands as virtual confirmation that adult learners screwing things up was a key factor in how English came to be the way it is. The people who can still read ancient sagas live on a remote, undisturbed island. The people whose language became the most user-friendly member of the family live on an island nearer the Continent, that was, due to that proximity, lustily disturbed by invading migrants.
“Maybe? Let me just check. . . .” Lamar scrambles to look at a chart, but I don’t need confirmation. The brain is the one place where I never get lost.
Leh antropolog Bronislaw Malinowski'nin de gözlemlediği gibi, insan beyni pozitif vakaları negatif vakalara göre daha çok hatırlama eğilimindedir. Bir başka deyişle tesadüfen de olsa işe yarayan bir büyü kulaktan kulağa anlatılacak ancak başarısız olan örnekler hemencecik unutulacaktır. Sürekli tesadüflerle karşılaştığımız hissinin altında da bu pozitifi önceleme tandansının bulunduğu açık. Psikolog ve ekonomistlerin "doğrulama yanlılığı" (İng. confirmation bias) dedikleri de benzer bir şey aslında: Beynimiz ön kabullerini onaylayan delilleri koruyup aksi yöndekileri ekarte ederek kesinliğin emin sularında yelken açmaya çok meraklı; zira kanaatlerimizi değiştirmek çok fazla RAM yiyor!
Sayfa 273 - Kronik Kitap
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