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'' Question for you, Neil. Do I look dead to you?" He pointed up at his face, waited for Neil to answer, and didn't seem surprised when Neil didn't. "Here." Andrew beckoned Neil closer as if he wanted to show Neil something on his phone's small screen. He flipped the phone open one-handed and pressed down hard on a single button. There was silence, then the distant hum of Andrew's phone dialing out. Between them Neil's phone started to sing. The words were different than Andrew's ringtone, but the voice was the same. Neil knew it was from the same miserable song. The lyrics hurt just as much as Andrew's had. Neil stared down at the phone and let it ring. "Your phone is ringing," Andrew said. "You should answer it." Neil picked it up with numb fingers and opened it. He spared only a second to look at Andrew's name on the screen before he answered and put it to his ear. "Your parents are dead, you are not fine, and nothing is going to be okay," Andrew said. "This is not news to you. But from now until May you are still Neil Josten and I am still the man who said he would keep you alive. "I don't care if you use this phone tomorrow. I don't care if you never use it again. But you are going to keep it on you because one day you might need it." Andrew put a finger to the underside of Neil's chin and forced Neil's head up until they were looking at each other. "On that day you're not going to run. You're going to think about what I promised you and you're going to make the call. Tell me you understand."
384 syf.
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Well, this was annoying. She talked about how little, small, petite she was and how big, strong, tall Joshua was in EVERY single f*cking page. I wanted to slap her for her 'i am a small girl and i need a big man to protect me attitude.' She was spoiled and he was overprotective, but not in a cute way. She was hurt by his snarky comments and name picking but wasn't that how it was supposed to do? I mean they hated each other and they were trying to make each other miserable. She was also being sarcastic and mean. So, why did he become the bad guy here? The book is called The Hating Game but they were even not playing after like 40-50 pages after the kiss. She was totally in love and didn't even bother to hide it. How couldn't she see he was in love too when she saw his apartment? It makes zero sense. There was absolutely no reason, no hate for them not be lovers at that point. She suddenly turned into a horny teenager and her crazy horniness was so embarrassing. She never tried to show him how he cared about him and she only objectified him i felt sad for the guy. And weren't they supposed to be rivals at work and fall in love while they were messing with each other according to the trope. So, what was all this about? It felt like the writer took 3 different tropes and combined them to make a different book(!). I'm sorry but she messed up. The only part I loved was their little dirty road trip conversation. It was both cute and hot.
Nefret Oyunu
Nefret OyunuSally Thorne · Yabancı Yayınevi · 20182,230 okunma
If someone has only themself their whole life, on-guard against everyone aside from themself at all times and all places, never being close to anyone, never feeling anything for anyone, only loving themself… wouldn’t that be miserable? Being a bad guy… is too painful.
32 of the Best Pride and Prejudice Quotes “Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.” “There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well.
"Looking deep within myself is always difficult. Especially when I'm in the throes of negative emotion. How shall I describe it? It's like I know everything is fine, but I can't stop myself from endlessly checking to make sure it really is fine, and in the process I make myself miserable."
“The reason we’re all so miserable may be because we’re working so hard to avoid being miserable.”
Rosmer: I can dispose of my miserable existence as I please, you know. Rebecca: What do you mean? You surely are never thinking of-! Rosmer: Do you think it would be so surprising? After the pitiful, lamentable defeat I have suffered? I, who was to have made iy my life's work to lead my cause to victory-! And here I am, a deserted before the fight has even really begun!
e-kitap olarak okuyorum.
I could not believe that she couldn’t see how miserable I was and so reach out a hand to comfort me and caress my cheek
We require rules, standards, values—alone and together. We’re pack animals, beasts of burden. We must bear a load, to justify our miserable existence. We require routine and tradition. That’s order. Order can become excessive, and that’s not good, but chaos can swamp us, so we drown—and that is also not good. We need to stay on the straight and narrow path.
Been thinking about you, I said, and I've been feeling just miserable. Sleepless nights? Sleepless nights. I concurred.
Sayfa 161 - Kodansha International, Translated by Alfred Birnbaum
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust, First Part
“You can’t, if you can’t feel it, if it never Rises from the soul, and sways The heart of every single hearer, With deepest power, in simple ways. You’ll sit forever, gluing things together, Cooking up a stew from other’s scraps, Blowing on a miserable fire, Made from your heap of dying ash. Let apes and children praise your art, If their admiration’s to your taste, But you’ll never speak from heart to heart, Unless it rises up from your heart’s space.” tr- "Yapamazsın, eğer hissedemezsen, eğer hiç Ruhundan yükselir ve sallanır Her bir dinleyicinin kalbi, En derin güçle, basit yollarla. Sonsuza dek oturacaksın, bir şeyleri birbirine yapıştıracaksın, Başkalarının artıklarından bir güveç pişirmek, Sefil bir ateşe üflüyorum, Ölen kül yığınından yapılmış. Bırak maymunlar ve çocuklar sanatını övsün, Eğer hayranlıkları zevkinize uygunsa, Ama asla kalpten kalbe konuşmayacaksınız, Kalbinizin boşluğundan yükselmedikçe."
"This was my wish: 'Be thou, 'quoth 1, 'accursed, For making me, so young, so old a widow! And, when thou wed'st, let sorrow haunt thy bed; And be thy wife-if any be so mad- As miserable by the life of thee As thou hast made me by my dear lord's death!'" Her voice cracked, the sound too harsh to be an actor's affectation. She struck her chest hard with one fist, but whether it was a wordless expression of her grief or a desperate attempt to dislodge whatever was choking her, I couldn't tell.
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