Ne Okusam?
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"What have you to confess now? It’s just as well for two fellows to know the worst of one another before they begin to live together"
A Study in Scarlet
Finally, if you need a favor from people, do not remind them of what you have done for them in the past, trying to stimulate feelings of gratitude. Gratitude is rare because it tends to remind us of our helplessness, our dependence on others. We like to feel independent. Instead, remind them of the good things they have done for you in the past. This will help confirm their self-opinion: “Yes, I am generous.” And once reminded, they will want to continue to live up to this image and do yet another good deed. A similar effect can come from suddenly forgiving your enemies and forging a rapprochement. In the emotional turmoil this creates, they will feel obligated to live up to the high opinion you have now shown toward them and will be extra motivated to prove themselves worthy.
Sayfa 194Kitabı okudu
That makes her laugh, and it’s like everything is fine between them, like they live in a slightly different universe where nothing bad has happened but Marianne suddenly has a cool boyfriend and Connell is the lonely, unpopular one.
Sayfa 87 - Faber&Faber, epubKitabı okudu
"Isn’t it almost a new religion that these Japanese teach us, who are so simple and live in nature as if they themselves were flowers?" Vincent van Gogh 1888
If we can’t move on from our guilt and make peace with our grief, it’s damaging to our loved ones, and not a compliment to those who’ve died. We have to let the dead be dead, to stop yanking them up again and again, to let them go and to live our own best lives so they can rest in peace. p74
Suicide is sometimes morally wrong, and it is sometimes the consequence of psychological problems. However, it is not always susceptible to such criticism. If we step back from our powerful survival instinct and our optimism bias, ending one’s life may seem much wiser than continuing to live, particularly when the burdens of life are considerable. Moreover, it would be indecent to condemn those who, having deliberated carefully about the matter, decide that they no longer wish to endure the burdens of a life to which they never consented.
Ikigai: A mysterious word
...We ask ourselves things like: What is the meaning of my life? Is the point just to live longer, or should I seek a higher purpose? Why do some people know what they want and have a passion for life, while others languish in confusion? At some point in our conversation, the mysterious word ikigai came up...
That makes her laugh, and it’s like everything is fine between them, like they live in a slightly different universe where nothing bad has happened but Marianne suddenly has a cool boyfriend and Connell is the lonely, unpopular one.
They say, Find a purpose in your life and live it. But, sometimes, it is only after you have lived that you recognize your life had a purpose, and likely one you never had in mind.
"I am still human,” she says, voice tightening around the words as if they were her name. “You move among them like a ghost,” he says, his forehead bowing against hers, “because you are not one of them. You cannot live like them. You cannot love like them. You cannot belong with them.” His mouth hovers over her own, his voice dropping to nothing but a breeze. “You belong to me.” There is a sound like thunder in the back of his throat. “With me.”
At sinekleri nasıl ki at pisliğinin üzerine üşüşürse Bazı şeytanlar da bazı insanların yüzüne üşüşür Sen onları Civanından perçeminden tanırsın unutulmazfilmler.co/they-live-yasiy... Bu filmde Mevlana Celaleddin Ruminin bu sözünden Alıntılanarak yapıldı herkese tavsiye ederim
Tonight maybe someone is gonna die or someone born, in somewhere something should happen. They live there, you live with me.
The lesson is simple: your entry into a person's spirit must be a tactic, a way to bring him or her under your spell. You cannot be simply a sponge, soaking up the other person's moods. Mirror them for too long and they will see through you and be repelled by you. Beneath the similarity to them that you make them see, you must have a strong underlying sense of your own identity. When the time comes, you will want to lead them into your spirit; you cannot live on their turf. Never take mirroring too far, then. It is only useful in the first phase of a seduction; at some point the dynamic must be reversed.
Sayfa 227 - 7-Enter Their SpiritKitabı okudu
Bir gün öleceğinin farkında olmadan ve Allah’ın emirlerini dikkate almadan yaşayarak hiç ölmek istemeyen kişiler âhirette azaba uğratıldıklarında ise ölmek için bir yol arayacaklardır. *** When people who live their life without being aware that one day they will die, who ignore God's commands and do not wish to die suffer torment in the afterlife, they will look for ways to die.
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