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“The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.”
Not Exactly the Sun it’s a yellow light. I mean walking down the street it’s a yellow light there soundless.
Sayfa 199Kitabı okudu
"i am the bow from which the arrow of you was launched"
Muhammed Nurullah Yiğit

Muhammed Nurullah Yiğit

04 Ocak 22:22
Muhabbet olmadan ilim ve hikmet ölüdür; akıl, hedini bulmayan bir oktur.
Sayfa 158Kitabı okudu
“One method that Einstein employed to help people visualize this notion was to begin by imagining two-dimensional explorers on a two-dimensional universe, like a flat surface. These “flatlanders” can wander in any direction on this flat surface, but the concept of going up or down has no meaning to them. Now, imagine this variation: What if these
İcardi ve Arrow'u birbirlerine çok benzetiyorum ya
Now hear this, lovers, my friends: Love is a precious thing; It doesn’t grace everyone. Love is a decorous thing. It makes ash heaps out of hills, Into hearts it blazes trails, Turns sultans into vassals—
Mrs. Dolloway
Peter. Clarissa, bahçedeki çeşmenin yanında ondan ayrılacağını söyleyince, korkunç bir acı çeker. Ama acı çeken yalnız Peter değildir. Bu ikisinin ilişkisi öylesine çapraşıktır ki, Clarissa da daha sonraları Peter’in bir başkasıyla evlenmesinin acısını, “yıllarca yüreğine saplanmış bir ok gibi” (“for years like an arrow sticking in her heart”) taşır.
Sayfa 110 - Yapı Kredi YayınlarıKitabı okuyacak
My fingers trace along his forearm and arrow tattoo. The one I’m sure he got for me. It’s a reminder of our past on his skin. Just like his scars and mine. Proof we both survived. We’re survivors.
Tekrar: As Khalil Gibran wrote in the Prophet, I'm the bow from which the arrow of you was launched.
Muhammed Nurullah Yiğit

Muhammed Nurullah Yiğit

02 Temmuz 2023 19:42
fikrimce çok iyi biliyor kime doğru uçmakta "yayından fırlayan ok"
Sayfa 107Kitabı okudu
Örneğin, Af­rika’nın önde gelen romancılarından Chinua Achebe ve Ngugi wa Thiong’o’nun ya­zıları muhalif paradigmaların alanı haline gelen karşı-söylemsel uygulamalarla dolu­dur. Achebe’nin Things Fall Apart ve Ar­row of God adlı kitapları Nijerya’daki Igbo toplumunun örgütlenmesini ve toplum içindeki rollerle iktidar yapılarını yansıtır.
For the lord Rudra is Time and Death, and the year is his bow, and therefore the Night of Doomsday for men was made the unwithering string of that bow. Vishņu, the blazing Agni, and Soma were the arrow, for this whole universe is made of Agni and Soma, and the universe is said to be made of Vishņu, and Vishņu is the soul of the lord Bhava of infinite energy.
My word. This is impressive. As Khalil Gibran wrote in the Prophet, I'm the bow from which the arrow of you was launched.
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