100th Anniversary Collection with Foreword

The Secret Garden

Frances Hodgson Burnett

The Secret Garden Hakkında

The Secret Garden konusu, istatistikler, fiyatları ve daha fazlası burada.


A nice edition with the cover and all 10 illustrations from the first edition and a Foreword by Anna Clark. SeaWolf Press is proud to offer another book in its Frances Hodgson Burnett 100th Anniversary Collection. Each book in the collection contains the text, illustrations, and cover from the first edition (but it is not a photocopy.)Use Amazon's Lookinside feature to compare this edition with others. You'll be impressed by the differences. Our version has: All 10 original illustrations. Don't be fooled by other versions with missing or made-up pictures. A special Foreword by Anna Clark titled "The Secret Garden's Hidden Depths" Text that has been proofread to avoid errors common in other versions. A beautiful cover that replicates the first edition cover. The complete text in an easy-to-read font similar to the original. Properly formatted text complete with correct indenting, spacing, footnotes, italics, and tables. The Secret Garden was first published in book form in 1911 following the publication in 1910 of a serial version in a U.S. magazine. Set in England, it is one of Burnett's most popular novels and is considered a classic of English children's literature. The book's main character, Mary Lennox, is living in India with her uncaring parents when they are both killed in a cholera epidemic. She is sent to live with an uncle at his house in England. There she meets and helps her uncle's sickly son, Colin, recover his health. Several stage and film adaptations have been made. This edition includes the original illustrations by Charles Robinson that appeared in the British first edition. The Secret Garden is often considered one of the best children's books of the twentieth century.
Tahmini Okuma Süresi: 6 sa. 43 dk.Sayfa Sayısı: 237Basım Tarihi: Mayıs 2019İlk Yayın Tarihi: 1908Yayınevi: SeaWolf Press
ISBN: 9781950435357Dil: İngilizce

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Kadın% 91.6
Erkek% 8.4
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35-44 Yaş
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65+ Yaş

Yazar Hakkında

Frances Hodgson Burnett
Frances Hodgson BurnettYazar · 21 kitap
Frances Hodgson Burnett, doğum adıyla Frances Eliza Hodgson, (d. 24 Kasım 1849 - ö. 29 Ekim 1924), İngiltere'nin Manchester kentinde bir kuyumcunun kızı olarak dünyaya geldi. Babasının ölümünden sonra ailesi 1865 yılında ABD’nin Knoxville (Tenessee olarak da bilinir) kentine taşındı. Orada Amerikan gazeteleri için yazmaya başladı. 1868 ila 1922 yılları arasında birçok roman ve oyun yazdı. Bunların arasında en bilinenleri The Secret Garden, A Little Princess ve Little Lord Fauntleroy 'dur. 1873 yılında Dr.Swan Burnett ile evlendi, sonrasında ise Lionel ve Vivian adlı iki oğlu oldu. Büyük oğlunun ölümünden sonra kocasından ayrıldı. 1901’den sonra Bermuda ve Long Island adasında yaşamını sürdürdü. Orada hristiyanlık, bahçıvanlık ve tinsellik ilgisini çekti. 75’inci doğumgününden birkaç hafta önce vefat etti.