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İsrail'in "Pfizer için bir laboratuar" olacağı
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to provide Pfizer with epidemiological data to help it evaluate the effectiveness of its vaccine. He said Israel would be "the lab for Pfizer" because almost all the country's citizens have digitized medical records.
“Your cells are a country of ten thousand trillion citizens, each devoted in some intensively specific way to your overall well-being. There isn’t a thing they don’t do for you. They let you feel pleasure and form thoughts. They enable you to stand and stretch and caper. When you eat, they extract the nutrients, distribute the energy, and carry off the wastes - all those things you learned about in junior high school biology - but they also remember to make you hungry in the first place and reward you with a feeling of well-being afterward so that you won’t forget to eat again. They keep your hair growing, your ears waxed, your brain quietly purring. They manage every corner of your being. They will jump to your defence the instant you are threatened. They will unhesitatingly die for you - billions of them do so daily. And not once in all your years have you thanked even one of them.”
ABD yönetimi ve onun destekleyen tüccarlar da Irak'a savaş açma kararı vermek üzeredir. Ne var ki kamuoyunun savaşı destekleme oranı beklenenin altındadır. 10 Ekim 1990'da ABD senato komisyonu karşısına 15 yaşlarında Neyire adında genç kız tanık olarak çıkarılır. Neyire, Kuveyt'teki bir hastanede gönüllü olarak çalışmaktayken, hastaneye giren Irak askerlerinin yoğun bakım altındaki 15 bebeği yere atarak ölmeye bıraktıklarını gözyaşları içinde anlatır. Neyire'nin ve ailesinin can güvenliği gerekçesiyle kimliği açıklanmaz. ABD Başkanı Bush, medyada konuyu işler. Televizyonlardan acılı Neyire'yi izleyen Amerikan halkı da gözyaşlarını tutamaz; Irak'a karşı savaş açılmasını destekler. ABD, saldırıya geçer. Irak'ın güneyini ve kuzeyini işgal eder. Neyire'nin kimliği de daha sonra ortaya çıkar. Onun hastaneyle bir ilgisi yoktur. Neyire Kuveyt elçisi Saud Nasır Al-Sabbah'ın kızıdır. Yapılanlar bir göz boyama işidir. Kızın tanıklığını ve yayın kampanyasını örgütleyen “halkla ilişkiler” şirketi Hill & Knowlton'dur. Bu şirket, ABD'de oluşturulan Citizens for a Free Kuwait (Özgür Kuveyt için Yurttaşlar) tarafından kiralanmıştır. ”
Sayfa 199Kitabı okudu
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He considered women to be second class citizens and used them simply for pleasure.
One glance at (a book) and you hear the voice of another person - perhaps someone dead for thousands of years. Across the millenia, the author is speaking, clearly and silently, inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time.
What an astonishing thing a book is. It's a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you're inside the mind of another person, maybe somebody dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic.
However, no matter how good the motivations, once collected, the data is out there permanently. Future administrations might choose to use it differently or even sell it to those who will. And it is not just future administrations. For example, in 2021, the UK National Health Service announced a plan to sell massive amounts of data on 55 million citizens to any bidder paying enough. That plan has been forestalled, but it is concerning this can happen in the heart of democracy, instead of in one of the world’s many kleptocracies.
Sayfa 346Kitabı okudu
More to the point, Greece was not the birthplace of liberty as we understand it today. Liberty in the modern world is first and fore- most the freedom of the individual from arbitrary authority, which has meant, for most of history, from the brute power of the state. It implies certain basic human rights: freedom of expression, of associ ation, and of worship, and rights of due process. But ancient liberty, as the enlightenment philosopher Benjamin Constant explained, meant something different: that everyone (actually, every male citizen) had the right to participate in the governance of the community. Usually all citizens served in the legislature or, if this was impractical, legislators were chosen by lottery, as with American juries today. The people's assemblies of ancient Greece had unlimited powers. An individual's rights were neither sacred in theory nor protected in fact. Greek democracy often meant, in Constant's phrase, "the subjection of the individual to the authority of the community." Recall that in the fourth century B.C. in Athens, where Greek democracy is said to have found its truest expression, the popular assembly-by democratic vote-put to death the greatest philosopher of the age because of his teachings. The execution of Socrates was democratic but not liberal.
Sayfa 32
“-Be quiet, Monsieur Homais. You are an infidel; you’ve no religion. -I have a religion, my religion, and I even have more than all these others with their mummeries and their juggling. I adore God, on the contrary. I believe in the Supreme Being, in a Creator, whatever he may be. I care little who has placed us here below to fulfil our duties as citizens and fathers of families; but I don’t need to go to church to kiss silver plates, and fatten, out of my pocket, a lot of good-for-nothings which live better than we do.”
They are planning
"Nihilistleri ve Ateistleri serbest bırakacağız ve tüm dehşetiyle uluslara (farklı milletlerden insanlara), mutlak ateizmin etkilerini, vahşetin ve en kanlı kargaşanın kökenini açıkça gösterecek müthiş bir toplumsal felaketi kışkırtacağız. O zaman her yerde, kendilerini dünya azınlığına veya devrimcilerine karşı savunmak zorunda olan
They are planning.....Kitabı okudu
109 Bkz. Masalha, 237. Daha yakınlardaki başka bir çalışma ise, İsrail'deki beşinci ve onikinci sınıf arasındaki Filistinli öğrencilerle kullanılan ders kitaplarının nasıl sistematik olarak Siyonist projenin meşrulaştırılırken Filistin tarihinin de marjinalleştirildiğini ve bastırıldığını gösterir. “Ders kitapları ... tarihi üç böİüme ayırır:
As it happened, during World War II, Canada saw fit to protect the tender sensibilities of its citizens by banning all American science fiction magazines. A partial exception was made for van Vogt, who needed to read Astounding for professional reasons, and he continued to receive his copies forwarded to him through the Canadian censor’s office.
A government that sets itself up as an all-powerful mother is a fascistic government. Citizens of a dictatorship revert to being babies: they are fed, changed, and kept in a crib by an ever-present power that knows everything, is capable of anything, and wields complete power over them for their own good.
MacmillanKitabı okudu
On 10 April 1848, that day seemed to have come. Across the Channel, Europe was in revolutionary ferment, with uprisings from Naples to Prague. The French king had been deposed. Karl Marx had just published the Communist Manifesto. In London, a huge demonstration was planned, to insist on new rights for British citizens. The protestors were known as Chartists, after the Charter they had published listing their demands, most of which might seem pretty modest to us today – votes for adult males, equal electoral districts, a secret ballot. But the authorities in London, urged on by a hysterical press, feared the overthrow of the State itself. And they prepared for the worst.
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