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İstatistiksel olarak genellikle önce kocalar ölürken, büyük olasılıkla benim önce ölecek olmam ne kadar tuhaf. İngilizce dili bile cinsiyetler arasında beklenen farkı ifade ediyor: Dul anlamına gelen ve koca için kullanılan widower sözcüğü, yine aynı anlama gelen ve kadın için kullanılan widow sözcüğünden türemiş. Oysa alışılmış olan, aynı sözcük cinsiyet katılarak biçimlendirildiğinde kökün eril olmasıdır. Kahraman anlamına gelen hero/heroine, şair anlamına gelen poet/poetess örneklerinde olduğu gibi. Ancak dul kelimesinde kökün dişi olması, kadınların kocalarından daha uzun süre yaşamasının istatistik açısından daha yaygın olduğunu ifade ediyor.
I have learned that to be with those I like is enough. WALT WHITMAN, POET --- Sevdiklerimle birlikte olmanın yeterli olduğunu öğrendim.
Sayfa 196
Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me.
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
Are u drunk? I’m a poet.
That one quote obviously :)
I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.
"Hür olan hiç kimse değil,can teslim etmeden ona" -Kördüğüm, Ceza-Da poet
“When the poet Paul Valery once asked Albert Einstein if he kept a notebook to record his ideas, Einstein looked at him with mild but genuine surprise. "Oh, that's not necessary," he replied . "It's so seldom I have one.”
You see Im a real poet My life is my poetry My lovemaking is my legacy My thoughts are not for sale they're about nothing and beautiful and for free i wish you could get that and love that about me because things that can't be bought can't be evaluated and that makes them beyond human reach. Untouchable Safe Otherworldly Unable to be deciphered or metabolized something metaphysical
Adaption and overcome
Later this life invaded the land. Some of our own early stock took part in that invasion. The moving equilibrium of the cells' life in our carly stock was almost literally an energy-eddy in the sea. The water of the sea conditioned it. Its energy-exchanges were based upon the sea. How if cut off from the sea could such a life exist? The Canadian biologist, Archibald Macallum, gave a reading of this riddle. The salts dissolved in our blood today are those of that long past geological epoch. Already in that sea the vertebrate creature, with many of its cells buried in the body's bulk, away from actual touch with the seawater, had evolved a system of branching tubes and a muscular pump, the heart, bringing to each buried cell a blood of salinity similar to that of the archaic sea, a substitute for that sea- water in which its cells had first arisen, to which their ways of life were adapted. When it left the sea altogether for its Odyssey on land, it had but to carry that habit of manufacture with it. It has done so. With that it has crossed mountain ranges and desert sands carrying its own medium with it. It has invaded air as well as land. It runs, and flies, and walks erect. The water of ocean itself has changed from what in that old sea it was. It has changed with the washings of rivers into it for millions of years since then. But the blood, a dynamic equilibrium, has in respect to those salts remained steady. The poet sang, with more literal truth than perhaps he knew, in- voking the sea, "the salt is lodged for ever in, my blood"s That some of them did give up that old ocean allowed the possibility of our becoming what we are
192 syf.
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5 saatte okudu
The thrill of doing something prohibited
"I'm disappointed. In the end it turns out you're just like everyone else. Their vomit-like chatter and laughter hardening together like shit. Who has a crush on who... Who doesn't like who... All scum that would be better off dead! Just spewing out pretty words. Inside... all of you! Sex, sex! In the end, fucking sex is all you want!" I really don't like Nakamura, but she is the only person who gets the flowers of evil that is blossoming in both Kasuga and her. The rotten and dark side of all humans is something we have to face at one point. And in reality, some people actually do face this part very early because of dark events in their lives. From what I get, Nakamura is someone who had to face this part because of bad events that happened to her whereas Kasuga deliberately delves into this darker world and his darker self and exploring it through the French poet's work, and now partially with Nakamura forcing him. I had watched the anime before, and as far as I know it's unfinished because it didn't get a second season in animation. But I remember this very iconic episode. It's bland in manga but the animated version of the classroom scene in the anime is so cathartic that I go back to watch it from time to time. This manga does a very good job making me feel rebellious against this wretched and stupid world at one moment and then making me feel embarrassed for feeling so by toning down those moments and turning them into shameful moments. It's a roller coaster.
Aku no Hana 2
Aku no Hana 2Shuzo Oshimi · Kodansha Comic · 201039 okunma
Sylvia Plath fig analogy
For Sylvia Plath, existence was a fig tree and each possible life she could live – the happily-married one, the successful-poet one – was this sweet juicy fig, but she couldn’t get to taste the sweet juicy figs and so they just rotted right in front of her. It can drive you insane, thinking of all the other lives we don’t live.
Sayfa 109Kitabı okudu
408 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
3 günde okudu
16 Şubat 1945’te yani bundan tam 79 sene önce bugün şair Yun Dong Ju, Fukuoka Hapishanesi’nde öldü. Ölümü (orada olan diğer pek çok Koreli mahkum gibi) sistematik şekilde gerçekleşti. Japonya’nın savaş suçlarından biri olan ‘tıbbi deneyler’ sebep oldu buna. . Peki Yıldızlara Değen Rüzgâr bir tarih kitabı mı? Hayır, gerçek kişi ve olaylardan yola çıkılarak yazılmış bir kurgu. Hapishanede zalimliğiyle bilinen bir gardiyanın ölümüyle başlayan hikayede, katili ararken bambaşka detaylarla karşılaşıyoruz, aklımıza bazı isimler geliyor tabii. Sonra şiirler okuyoruz dört duvara sıkışmış mahkumların baktığı göğe karşı, yıldız sayıyoruz. Uçurtmayı Vurmasınlar’ı hatırlıyoruz. Suçlu sandıklarımızın masum olabilme ihtimalini görüyoruz. . Cennetten Kaçan Çocuk ile okurunu Pyongyang’a götüren yazar Jung Myung Lee, bu eserinde Fukuoka’ya götürüyor. Özgürlüğe, şiire ve umuda dair nice düşünceye salıyor… Çok severek okudum.. . Yıldızlara Değen Rüzgâr’a ek olarak: Yun Dong Ju’nun ‘Gökyüzü, Rüzgar, Yıldızlar ve Şiir’ kitabını, ‘Dongju: The Portrait of a Poet’ adlı filmi de öneririm. . Göksel Türközü çevirisi, Geray Gençer kapak tasarımıyla ~
Yıldızlara Değen Rüzgar
Yıldızlara Değen RüzgarJung-Myung Lee · Doğan Kitabevi · 202419 okunma
Șimdi gül deyince insanın aklına tuhaf şeyler geliyor. Ben mahallede iki tur dolanıp mezarlık duvarından aşınca gül mü kopardım Ayșe'ye vermek için? Değil. Ayşeler çoktur da onlara çiçekçiler de çoktur, benim işim olmaz. Hayatta bi kere çiçek taşımışlığım var, onu da poșete koydum da yürüdüm. Lisede hem de rezillik. Okulun müdürüne
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